Innovative Learning Environment

Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images
Another assignment I enjoyed was designing an innovative environment, specifically a LRC or Media center. I designed the LRC with our current media center in mind. The room is rectangular and the bookshelves are on the perimeter. I would like our LRC to be more interactive, as a result, when designing my space, I added centers around the room. I included flexible seating and made things more cozy for the students. The reading center in particular I wanted to set up like a Hawaiian theme. I thought this looked pretty cool and the students would love it.

The centers incorporated are as follows:

  • Innovative Center - STEM and MakerSpace
  • Reading Center - Independent and small group reading
  • Gathering Center - Whole class in front of current Promethean board
  • Technology Center - Computer work
  • Collaborative Center - Discussion and group work.
I chose to include this assignment because it was a great exercise in opening one’s mind to think outside the box and to really explore what students would want as an innovative learning environment. I did stumble into one major challenges in creating my design, and that was focusing on the task at hand. I sometimes got a bit carried away when I was exploring furniture to put into my newly created space and wanted to buy and include lots of things. It was kind of like building a new house, the options were endless, but focusing back on the goal and purpose was key to my completion.

I designed the space using Kaplan Floor Planner. This was a neat, rather user-friendly tool from Kaplan. Although it is primarily for classrooms and early childhood, I was easily able to adapt it for a LRC. I highly recommend the tool as it has a very nice 3D component which really helps with visualization of the room you are designing.


  1. Your centers are a wonderful addition and would be well used by students. Kids loved themed spaces and who doesn't love to read on the beach? The design tool you used was a great way to have your thoughts represented visually. They layout is easy to view and very clear.


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